Begger’s Diamond V Ranch’s was founded in 1968 and located in Wibaux, Montana. We began AI’ing cows in 1974 and held our first Bull Sale in 1976. The ranch is run by Bill and Darlene along with their son John and his wife Alicia and their children Charlotte, Magdalene, Harrison and Gabriel.
Here at Ranch our our motto is, THE RANCHER COMES FIRST. Every breeding decision we make is it improve our customers bottom line. Where we use cow sense, common sense, and science. We know the value of a good cow must is that she be fertile, efficient and problem free. She must have the staying power to produce a valuable calf every year without assistance in the environment mother nature provides. She must be low maintenance, easy fleshing body type that requires little or no input. Problem free udder and have a good disposition with a set of feet and legs that will serve her until she exits at an old age.
We run around 600 mother cows (425 spring calving cows and 175 fall). We are always culling cows for udder quality, feet, disposition. If they don’t meet our standards, they don’t last long. We provide 160 bulls for sale in February and another 30 for private treaty. It is our goal to make our worst cow our best cow by breeding genetics that improves performance, fleshing ability, phenotype, milk, and feet. We rarely need to assist a cow during calving. We offer are about 25 purebred Simmental 130 sim/angus and 20 Angus bulls. There is little margin when we select them, disposition is number one for us. If a bull shows some nervousness, he is cut that goes all the way till sale day. We are not afraid to kick one out the day of the sale. We offer first year breeding guarantee, no questions asked. If something happens to a bull that you purchase, we will help you out.